Cookie Decoration Competition 2014
It was 14th Feb 2014 and eGain hosted a Cookie Decoration Competition for the employees.
All the decoration supplies were provided by eGain which included sparkles, frosting, sprinkles, icing bottles, colored sugars, etc. The subject was a big cookie which had to be decorated using the given supplies and most important it has to be creative 🙂 Initially there were only few participants but looking at the participants, other employees also got motivated to participate
Lara Bliesner was the judge of the competition. She is the Corporate Counsel at eGain and also an amazing baker. She had tough time judging the competition as there were great entries. Her main criteria for judging was handmade/handcrafted/piped decorations rather than just pasting the decorations.
The top winners were given Scoop and Bake cookie doughs.