Running with Team Asha 2014
This year I am training to run SF half marathon in July . I hope to raise funds for Asha for Education, a non-profit organization, working to bring socio-economic change in India through education of underprivileged children. It is a lot of time commitment and a huge challenge to train for a marathon. But despite all the challenges, I am constantly motivated knowing that the funds I raise could mean the difference between education and poverty for underprivileged children.
My running experience had been great so far. Coaches, Mentors and running buddies are amazing 🙂 I love running and exploring different parks during long weekend run.
Why run for this cause?
We all are very fortunate to be in the place where we are today and to have choices in life. There are millions of children in India who do not have a choice but to work as child laborers. Most of them grow up without ever going to a school, not knowing what it would have been like to get an education. This is an effort to give them a choice to get educated. A choice to experience a better life and a chance to be a child again.
Here are some staggering facts:
- 1/6 of the humanity is illiterate. Nearly a billion people, two thirds of them women, entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.
- There are more than 350+ million people in India alone who cannot read or write. That is greater than the entire population of the US !!!
- According to the last census report, one-third of all children in India aged 6-14 years (55 million total) are out of school.
Top 4 reasons why you should donate to Team Asha.
- Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. By educating underprivileged children, we can help them break out of the cycle of poverty and experience a better life.
- Asha is a 100% volunteer driven organization trying to keep the overhead low so that every dollar donated goes directly to benefit the cause. Athletes cover all marathon related expenses.
- Your contribution is tax-deductible(Tax ID: 77-0459884, Asha for Education).
- Most employers will match contributions made to Asha for Education.
How you can participate? You can help me and be a part of this effort by contributing towards my fund raising on below page:
Some pics from my running journey: