My Photography Journey!
Today is World Photography Day. The date behind World Photo Day originates from the invention of the Daguerreotype, a photographic processes developed by Joseph Nicèphore Nièpce and Louis Daguerre in 1837.
Photography is an invention that has revolutionized the way we see the world. We can visit places without leaving our home. We can share adventures with friends in another city and we can watch grandchildren grow up thousands of kilometers away.
This is the 1st time I am writing of my Photography Journey but no day would have been apt than today as it’s the World Photography Day!
For me, The Journey of Photography began not out of choice but out of boredom. I moved to California from India in 2011 and was totally clueless like majority of h4 wives. Had loads of time on hand and nothing to do. There was no option to work due to visa constraints and was totally frustrated as i felt that my MBA degree was going to be wasted.
My husband Ritesh gifted me a camera and I didn’t even open it for 6 months. It was a Canon t1i with the kit lens 18mm-55mm and zoom lens 70mm-250mm. I was scared of the big words like ISO, Shutter speed, Aperture, Auto, Manual, Compositions, Lightroom, lenses, etc. They all sounded like hebrew to me. And frankly speaking learning new things was not my attitude at that time. I laugh out loud when i think of those days and feel..was it really me? Today I learn something new everyday…It can be via internet or day to day experiences
Till then Ritesh used the camera to click my pics and obviously in auto mode 🙂 I used to be so amazed with the pics, quality, colors and then i decided that i need to learn this gadget. So after 6 months of this most treasured gift, i opened the manual and started reading it.
Once I started reading it, I was determined to practice what I read. So my subjects were anything and everything in the house..lamps, plants, paintings, flowers, etc. I started reading more about it online. Saw youtube videos. Asked my photographer friends. Learned about editing.
Photographing Everything & Anything. Visit Here for individual pics
The next step was to click people. My 1st model was my friend Urja’s daughter..Khushi. She was i think 3 years old then. I used to click all her actions. Then I realized I have to learn motion photography for which i decided to click in manual mode where i could have full control of my camera.
Photographing Khushi
It was an ongoing learning process. Camera and Lenses were same but my subjects were changing as I wanted to try all kinds of photography. We used to travel a lot so i started carrying my camera wherever we went. And here emerged the desire to learn street photography and landscapes. Learned to shoot in daylight, overcast skies, capturing stories of unknown people and the learning process became so much more exciting.
Photographing Landscapes. Visit Here for individual pics
Photographing Street Photography. Visit Here for individual pics
Now the about Food Photography. When i came here i didn’t knew even C of Cooking. I remember burning rice:P Ritesh used to cook dal chawal for me as i was clueless about using pressure cooker. After getting bored of Ritesh’s cooking..lol and to feed my inner foodie, i decided to learn cooking. I started calling mom for day to day recipes and then my friends and Ritesh were the guinea pigs for my experiments. After some practice i was able to make a decent meal for everyone. After basics i wanted to learn fancy dishes so i started following tarla dalal and sanjeev kapoor.com. Now everyone was praising my dishes and asking me recipes. The idea of food blogging clicked and this is one of the best thing happened to me.
Photographing Food. Visit Here for individual pics
I ventured into food photography and blogging. Followed famous food bloggers, food photographers, learned from online videos,etc. After basics of food photography i wanted to learn advanced lighting, strobes, etc. And at that time my friend Chandrika gifted me a Canon 100mm lens which is my best lens for food photography. Today cravecookclick.com is one of my priced possessions
I never imagined that I would end up clicking for restaurant menus, food products or for food photography events.
Photographing Restaurants, Venues & food events. Visit Here for individual pics
I was fascinated towards wedding photography too. So I assisted Wedding Documentary Photographer Vijay Rakhra and learned some lessons of wedding photography. I captured wedding for some of my friends and clients
Photographing Weddings. Visit Here for individual pics
There came a point where I thought that I need to get into this professionally. I started my Facebook Photography Page. People were asking me if i would take their pics professionally. So i ventured into events, family portraits, maternity, new born, jewelry photography. All of it I learned online. Finally I developed anitamokashi.com to display my portfolio and then there was no looking back.
Photographing Events
Photographing Pre Maternity Shoots. Visit Here for individual pics
Photographing Families. Visit Here for individual pics
Photographing Kids & Moms
Photographing Babies. Visit Here for individual pics
Photographing Jewellery. Visit Here for individual pics
I started running marathons last year and discovered a different angle of photography..capturing Sports 🙂 It was phenomenal to capture the excitement, pain, efforts and happiness of crossing a finish line of a marathon. I volunteered to take pics Team Asha with whom I trained last year.
Photographing Marathons
Today i want to learn anything and everything about photography. Recently i captured a milky way and it was totally an unique experience. So was the experience of capturing fireworks!
Photographing Milky way
Photographing Fireworks
I think there is nothing in this world which you cannot learn on your own. You may need some guidance but you should always take the 1st step on your own. Once you take the 1st step then experts are ready to help you because they know that you are serious about what you are doing. Patience is another important quality. Nothing comes easy and if it comes easy then it’s not special 🙂 Take your camera everywhere. Click tons of pics. Analyze them. Ask for feedback Don’t worry about what others say. It’s your passion and only you can nurture it. Today i have a full time day job as a Business Analyst but still I make sure that my camera is fed regularly 🙂 I take up assignments on weekends and keep the fire burning.
I started Crave Cook Click Group & Clicks Group on Facebook so that i can share whatever knowledge i have and help members to follow their passion. I still have to learn a lot about photography and I am doing my bit everyday.
Photography has changed my life for good. I see life in everything around and want to capture it in my lens. I find happiness in capturing the precious moments of my and others lives which i want to treasure forever. Knowingly or unknowingly i owe this art to Ritesh. He encouraged me to go for any assignment which came towards me even when i had doubts. He told me that I am passionate about it so whatever i take up i will complete it gracefully!
P.S About my gear: I own a Canon 6D, Canon 24mm-70mm f2.8 L (Telephoto-Good for Travel, Landscapes), Canon 70mm-200mm f4 L (Zoom-Good for portraits, wildlife), Canon 100mm f2.8 (Prime & Macro-Good for Food & Clicking babies), Sigma 50mm Art 1.4 F (Prime-Good for Food & Portaits)
And if you want to gift me anything my next wish list includes Canon 85mm f1.2 L 🙂
Last but not the least..Wishing you all A HAPPY WORLD PHOTOGRAPHY DAY!
Hi Anita , tht was a lovely read with great images. Hope to be half good as you 🙂 .. Love, Aarti …
Thank you dear Aarti 🙂
Hi Anita, that was a lovely read with some cool images . Hope to be half good as you 🙂
Love, Aarti …
Thank you so much Aarti <3 <3 <3
Kudos Anita..your leaning journey is inspiring .your work is fab .. and constantly improves
…and impresses me…..it has brought such colors to our lives.. esp being here in usa.. cherishing food..festivald.. events..so much more through ur photography. And last but nott the least it is a pleasure to know u as a friend ..
Thanks Vaibhavi and I am equally lucky to have loving friends like you in my life <3
Hi Anita,
I follow your blog. It feels good to see how excellent your photography is. The way you review the things you explore is very appreciable. Love to go through your detailed information about everything that you provide in your blog.
Wish you all the best in the things you do !!
Thank you Rakhi 🙂 Appreciate your kind words 🙂
Very well written Anita. Loved reading it.
Thanks Bhargavi 🙂
Wow, this is so inspiring for me. Am the one who is still not going beyond the auto mode. Thank you Anita for sharing your knowledge and experience. Hope many more people get inspired from you.
Thank you so much Shrirang. Keep clicking 🙂
Wow!! Awesome photos and Inspiring story.
Thanks Antonet 🙂
I simply LOVED reading about you and your photography journey Anita. You write very well and straight from the heart just like the way you photograph. Keep clicking and keep following your passions. 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words Umang <3
Thank you so much Umang. Appreciate your kind words 🙂
Hi anita,
You are an inspiration for me too..I have been practising photography and I have been following food blogs which u follow.. they have inspired me to start a blog and I must thank u too for inspiring everyone. My dad is a photographer but unfortunately I never was interested till food blogging happen. He is in india and I can’t get much lessons from him and u came as a boon to spread your knowledge of photography. I can’t thank u much than this..thanks again. Keep up the good work
Hi Sapna,
Whenever I read such comments I feel everything what I do is so much worth it. Thank you so much 🙂
Yes follow your passions because the satisfaction which they give cant be compared to anything else. Please let me know if you have any questions. I am here to help 🙂
Hey Anita..I remember you in your favourite ‘Bebe’ T-shirt in collage…studying at your home…our Malvan Trip and our Mehendi sessions :)) and look at you now…a perfect ‘Lady’!! Her words are motivating..her appearance is confident..her eyes reflect deep satisfaction!! Its wonderful to read about your journey..You have inspired many ladies to pursue their passion and do something which they love..! Keep it on!! All the best :))
Hey Sayli,
Thank you so much for your words. I can’t stop smiling. Yes I do remember our moments and I proudly say that each and every friend, things which we did, college days, fun which we had, parents, mumbai and India has motivated me the way I am today 🙂
Hi Anita,
Love your blogs, love all that you do, from food to photography to travel…you are awesome and hope to draw inspiration from you!
Hi Ashwini,
Thank you so much for your kind words 🙂
Beautifully written. Much needed article on ur blog.
WOW…I am a fan! 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Hi Anita… tumcha write up khub chaan aahe aani me thumcha one of the biggest fan….. sorry for my poor marathi
Hi Anita…. Tumcha Write up Khub Chaan Watla…..sorry if my marathi is wrong.
Thank you 🙂
Hi Anita,
It was enriching experience reading your article . Hope, I could also lit the fire in me and do something In photography which I always wanted to do.
You are inspiring.
Thank you so much..It is never too late to pursue your passion 🙂
Hi anita, i just go here as an H4 wife and its drivng me nuts that i can do anything. Loved your story and it inspired me to find something of my own. Beautiful photography and food props! And what lens is that in the picture above? The huge one?
wow..awesome post & i m a gr8 of your fotos.. just admiring u:) Now its high time fr me to learn fotography!!
What to say. I am running out of words. Looks like you have very well written my story. I must say I would not be able to write all this in this beautiful manner.