Ranjan Dey briefing the top 5 contestants for final round.
The top 5 contestants with their Besan Dishes.
Contests, Judges & Ranjan Dey on Stage for final round.
WomenNow Team
Gujan Kumut told judges the story behind her Assorted Besan Pedha and how she made her husband the guinea pig for all her besan experiments:)
Judges share a hearty laugh listening to the interesting stories!
Papiha Nandy
Ashwini Kumar
All applaud the confident and interesting responses of the contestants
Sonal explained how she made an amazing fusion dish with italian cannoli and indian besan. Her daughter encouraged her to take part in this contest.
Shoba explains how healthy and organic her besan crepes are. She volunteers for Cancer Institute Foundation which is her inspiration to cook healthy food.
The judges listen attentively to the replies of the contestants.
Nalini Mehta
Sukhi Singh
Ranjan Dey introduces Smitha Rao and appreciates her hardwork,dedication, time and effort to make this event a success!
The judges made their decision. Shoba Rao bagged the runner up trophy along with the 100$ Gift Certificate of New Delhi Restaurant and New World Spices 6-pk Spice box.
Vaishali Ukirde was awarded the winner trophy, 150$ Gift Certificate of New Delhi Restaurant and New World Spices 6-pk Spice box
The proud Star Chef Contest Winners…Vaishali Ukirde & Shoba Rao
The winner dishes for the contes: Besan Bruschetta by Vaishali Ukirde & Besan Crepe by Shoba Rao.